EUropean Wood Collection

 SUB floor Preparation

A new concrete slab will usually take 90 to 150 days to dry thoroughly depending on size of slab and weather conditions. The moisture content should be no more than 2% at the time of installation. If plywood is used as a sub floor, the moisture content difference should be no more than 2% between the engineered wood floor and the plywood sub floor. Plywood size for sub floor is suggested to be 3/4“x 48“X 48“ and leave 1/4“ between sheets for expansion. The sub floor must be free from any type of paint, oil, greases, dust and all other types of residues.

The sub floor should be level. The lever drop must be no more than 1/4“ over a 10 feet distance.

EUropean Wood Collection

 SUB floor Preparation

A new concrete slab will usually take 90 to 150 days to dry thoroughly depending on size of slab and weather conditions. The moisture content should be no more than 2% at the time of installation. If plywood is used as a sub floor, the moisture content difference should be no more than 2% between the engineered wood floor and the plywood sub floor. Plywood size for sub floor is suggested to be 3/4“x 48“X 48“ and leave 1/4“ between sheets for expansion. The sub floor must be free from any type of paint, oil, greases, dust and all other types of residues.

The sub floor should be level. The lever drop must be no more than 1/4“ over a 10 feet distance.


Floating Installation

We recommend an acclimation period of 3 days for all our hardwood flooring products. Test sub floor before every installation. (Please follow sub floor preparation instruction listed above). For on-grade and below-grade installations, it is required to apply a moisture barrier to the sub floor. Floating floors are probably one of the hardest installations to starts as the boards want to move around on you in the starting area. It is imperative the first few rows be straight and gap free.

Create a working line parallel to the starting wall, in multiples of our engineered plank width, to set up the baseline of installation. A 1/2“ expansion space should be left around the perimeter.

All grooved sides, including the end(s), must be fully glued. 750ml will cover approximately 150 square feet. A waterproof glue like Eurobond D3 Floating Floor Glue or Titebond’s-3 Ultimate Wood Glue is recommended. Lay one row of plank along the entire length of work line. Add each additional row of flooring, watching the pattern repeat and setting or staggering the joints at least 6 inches. Straps should be used to hold floors in place while the glue dries and no tape of any type should be used on our floors, as most tapes can and will pull the finish off the floors, please note that any damaged caused by the installation is not covered by our warranty. 

Note: A floating floor installation method requires more cleanup as glue squeezes out of the tongue & groove when the boards are tapped into place. Measure the application along the grove carefully to avoid excess glue spillage. Excessive glue spillage will void the warranty of your floor. Immediate cleanup is required, any glue not cleaned within minutes will leave stain marks not covered under the warranty. Please refer to our guidelines for cleaning and oil maintenance. 

Warning: spontaneous combustion danger! Oil soaked materials (rags, wool pad, sanding dust etc.) may spontaneously combust. Immerse oil-soaked materials in water.

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Regardless of installation method, we never recommend the use of any adhesive tape on any oil-finished floor for any period of time. Failure to comply may result in damage to the finish. Subsequent damage as a result of taping is not covered by the warranty.



After installation of your new floor, it is preferred but not necessary to oil your floor with our maintenance oil immediately following installation; be sure the floor is clean and free of debris before oiling. Refresh your floor with maintenance oil annually (or as needed) to maintain its luster and beauty and ensure lifelong performance. For weekly upkeep, it is recommended that you clean your floor thoroughly using the floor cleaner & protectant design for oil finished floors. We recommend Woca Natural Soap & our soon to be released cleaners.


More Information

The installation guidelines are intended to offer general guidance as it relates to our floors and are NOT a replacement for a professional.

Our floors must be installed according to the national wood flooring association’s (NWFA) installation guidelines in order for the European Wood Company warranty to be valid. The most current publication of the NWFA guidelines is available to all NWFA members